Thursday, February 3, 2011

Italo Calvino

"The city of cats and the city of men exist one inside the other, but they are not the same city."

Robert A. Heinlein

"Cats, like butterflies, need no excuse."

Pink Floyd | Lucifer Sam

Lucifer Sam, Siam cat
Always sitting by your side
Always by your side
That cat's something I can't explain

Jennifer Gentle you're a witch
You're the left side
He's the right side
Oh no
That cat's something I can't explain

Lu-ci-fer go to sea
Be a hip cat
Be a ship's cat
Somewhere, anywhere
That cat's something I can't explain

Night prowling, sifting sand
Padding around on the ground
He'll be found
When you're around
That cat's something I can't explain

Words and Music by Syd BarrettWords and Music by Syd Barrett